''Elena quickly understands complex organisational challenges and the importance ofbuilding strong leadership culture. I enjoy her direct and caring coaching style. She helped us see issues from different
perspectives while maintaining focus on results. I also know her as a professional facilitator, who can skilfully lead teams to generate business innovation going beyond good ideas''.
Region Head Commercial Insurance global player
„Ich fand die Session sehr sehr gut. Ich bin absolut erstaunt, wie konstruktiv die Leute zusammenarbeiten. Ich schätze die Art, wie du die Session geleitet hast und was du in dieser kurzen Zeit erreicht hast, sehr gut, Kompliment!“
Senior HR Business Partner
“Elena Och brings excellent skills in the area of leadership development and executive coaching. She quickly understands complex business problems and helps her audience to focus on real issues at hand. Elena effectively uses her questioning and listening skills to generate new insights. Her coaching style includes both supporting and
challenging, which helped us a lot to focus on results and successfully meet set objectives. “
Product Head Insurance US
«Thank you very for doing such a fantastic job at the Costing Actuaries' Meeting! Everybody kept on talking about that session for the whole day – it was a huge success.”
Director, Life Capital
“Elena is very experienced facilitator who understands the different agendas of
people/units and is able to collect the info and bring people together.”
Head of Global Business Line
Frau Elena Och hat unser Architekturbüro in den letzten 1,5 Jahren strategisch und konzeptionell begleitet, um einen nächsten Entwicklungsschritt zu ermöglichen, zu fördern und zu beschleunigen.
In verschiedenen - von Frau Och sensibel, lustvoll und effektiv geführten – Workshops, erarbeitete das ganze mépp-Team in einem ersten Schritt Visionen. Diese wurden diskutiert, geprüft, verworfen und geschliffen.
Der Erfolg, die Umsetzung unserer fünf Punkte aus der Vision, stellte sich überraschend
schnell, deutlich und nachhaltig ein.
Wir sind beeindruckt von der grossen Erfahrung und stringenten Methodik von Frau Och, sind ihr dankbar für die sehr schnellen und schönen Resultate und können Frau Och nur wärmstens weiter empfehlen!“
“Many thanks again for guiding us through the innovation topic! Many team members expressed that they really found it very valuable and helpful and that you had done a particularly good job. I found that the whole team reacted very well and there have been very lively discussions with good outcome. This will help both, the team dynamics and the development of the solutions going forward.”
Director, Information Management
“This outcome would not have been possible without you!”
Head Products EMEA Region
“Many thanks for a great workshop. I very much enjoyed it and I had good feedback from the participants. I think the day helped us to see things differently and more positive. All in all a very good experience and I am happy you were able to put this together at such short notice.”
Director, Energy/Mining
“So brilliant to be coached by you. You seem to ‘get me’ which is great“.
Director, Moss Perform Ltd